JTC Running Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
April 2, 2024
Location: Zoom Video Conference
President Douglas Tillett called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.
Directors present for the meeting were Doug Alred, Jane Alred, Christy Astorga, Bonnie Brooks, James Bryant, Amiee Cords, David Farraday, Dennis Harrison, Robert Jones, Amy Kisz, Franz Lerch, Jeff Palmer, Todd O’Donnell, Larry Roberts, Larry Sassa, Douglas Tillett and Jim Van Cleave. Marilyn Young, Editor of The Starting Line was also present.
Directors absent from the meeting were Nicole Andress, Errol Daniels, Sean McCormack, Jeremy Smith, and Stuart Toomey.
Approval of March (3/5/24) meeting minutes: On a motion presented by Todd O’Donnell and seconded by Franz Lerch, the March minutes were approved by the board.
Treasurer’s Report: Amiee Cords reported the club’s financials and discussed in detail the Balance Sheet through March 31, 2024, as well as, the Profit and Loss Detail Statement for March. She reported the club’s current bank balances in our accounts. Since SORBA JAX has not requested additional funds, money will be transferred so it can earn interest.
Old Business:
SORBA JAX – JTC Running Trail in Aterro Park – Jim Van Cleave visited the trail last week. Supplies have been ordered with the money donated by JTCR. A quarter-mile test section of the running trail should be created this month. Work will start on the hill in the back of the park soon. JU students will be helping at the next work day.
New Business:
JTCR Awards Banquet – Jane Alred reported that the committee met at Toscana to sample food. The committee recommends holding the banquet at Toscana on Wednesday, June 19th. She reported on the pricing, menu and other items related to the banquet. Doug Tillett said award winners have not been selected. Doug will send a list of the categories available for awards to board members for their input. On a motion by Todd O’Donnell and seconded by Doug Alred the board approved holding the banquet at Toscana’s.
Running Camp Scholarships – Doug Alred reported that the application site is active and high school coaches have been notified that runners can apply for the camp scholarships. Applications need to be submitted by the end of May. The full cost to attend the camp at Brevard is covered. The scholarship amount to other camps is $300.
Global Running Day Fun Run to Benefit Marathon High – Amy Kisz reported that registration is now live for the June 5, 2024 benefit. An email blast about the run will be sent soon to all our contacts. JTC Running matches the money raised through registrations. Hoka has expressed interest in assisting with the event.
JTCR Role in Emerald Trail Creation, Communication Focus – Doug Tillett mentioned that recently the federal Department of Transportation awarded $147 million for the trail. He talked about JTC Running’s early $50,000 that helped to get the Emeral Trail Project started. The club will publicize its early and continuing role in helping to make the Emerald Trail a reality.
Gate River Run – Doug Alred said the race went well and had the largest attendance since 2018. The final financial report will be made after all the bills from the City are received and paid. The prize money has been paid. The next Gate River Run will be held on March 1, 2025. The location of the Expo, post-race activities, starting line and finish line will change next year.
GRR Elite Athletes – Jim Van Cleave will be setting up lodging for next year soon. The number of elite athletes who participated was up this year and greater than expected, given the timing of the Olympic trials this year.
Community and Public Relations – Nothing to report. Christy is open to suggestions.
Events and Membership – Amy Kisz reported that membership stands at 1,062, which is the highest in at least twenty years. All the memberships received at the GRR Expo have been recorded.
Track Meet Series – Bob Jones said that thirty-two people are registered. A hundred additional athletes from three teams are expected to register before the April 13th track meet. He has sufficient volunteers for the April meet. Additional volunteers are needed for the May 11th track meet.
Bolles Wednesday Training Sessions – James Bryant noted that attendance fluctuates. There are new people participating each week. He is waiting to hear about the possibility of using the tracks at Dupont and Bishop Kenny high schools.
Tijuana Flats Summer Beach Run – Doug Alred said Tijuana Flats will continue to sponsor the summer beach run. The race will be held on August 24th and is in now in the planning stages.
Emerald Trail 5K and 10K – Doug Alred reported that this year the course will include the newly completed section of the Emerald Trail.
Finance – No report
Racing Team – No report
JTC Running Gate River Run Training Class – Doug Tillett and Jeff Palmer discussed offering a Couch to 5K training class in April/May 2025. Sharon Langieri, GRR class coach, is willing to and interested in leading the class. The goal will be to prepare participants for the Memorial Day 5K. It is hoped at the conclusion of the 5K class participants will want to register for our half-marathon and GRR classes. Planning for the class will begin soon.
Classes, Clinics, Socials – No report
Vision & Planning – No report
The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m.
Next Meeting – The next board meeting will be Tuesday, May 7, 2024, via Zoom.
Minutes submitted by Jeff Palmer, Secretary