JTC Running Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2023
Location: Zoom Video Conference
President Douglas Tillett called the meeting to order. Directors present for the meeting were Doug Alred, Jane Alred, Nicole Andress, Christy Astorga, Bonnie Brooks, James Bryant, Amiee Cords, David Farraday, Dennis Harrison, Robert Jones, Amy Kisz, Franz Lerch, Sean McCormack, Larry Roberts, Larry Sassa, Jeremy Smith, Douglas Tillett, Stuart Toomey, and Jim Van Cleave. Marilyn Young, Newsletter Editor was also present. Errol Daniels, Will Dunlap, Todd O’Donnell, and Paul Smith were absent.
Approval of December (12/6/2022) meeting minutes: Needed corrections to the minutes were identified. On a motion presented by Franz Lerch and seconded by Nicole Andress, the December minutes were passed as amended and approved by the board.
New Board Members: New board members David Farraday, Robert Jones, Amy Kisz, Sean McCormack, and Jeremy Smith were introduced. Doug Tillett said all board members should be on at least one committee and asked the new members to review the list of committees to see where they might want to volunteer. Nicole Andress suggested that it would be helpful for a description of each committee to be posted on the JTC Running website.
Treasurer’s Report: Amiee Cords reported the club’s financials and discussed in detail the Balance Sheet through December 31,2022 and the Profit and Loss Detail Statement for December. She reported the club’s current bank balances in our accounts. She discussed in detail various line items including income earned and expenses. There was discussion about the cost of staging the Last Gasp and the low attendance this year.
Old Business
2023 Track Series – The Winter Track meet is on January 28. The current Track Meet Director will not be able to continue in that role. The committee will meet to discuss finding a replacement.
Open Board Seat: Doug Tillett said another person had been identified as interested in being on the board to bring the number of members to twenty-four. A video of Doug Tillett and Larry Roberts discussing the position with Jeff Palmer was made available to the board before the meeting. Larry Roberts made a motion to nominate Jeff to the board; Franz Lerch seconded the motion. The board unanimously approved the motion.
USTAF membership for Board members: No report.
New Business: Larry Roberts made a motion that $750 be allocated annually to pay a professional photographer to take pictures for the Newsletter. Nicole Andress seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously by the Board.
Bolles Wednesday Training Sessions – James Bryant reported that the coaches are doing a fantastic job. He expects attendance to increase. When the track is not available participants run on roads, which is not ideal. It was noted that attendance decreases when the track is not available.
Gate River Run Training Class 2023 – The turnout was good for the kick-off meeting. Eighty-six runners and eleven pace leaders are registered for the training class.
Guana Trail Races – Franz Lerch reported that the Friends of Guana truck that was used by JTC Running developed a broken axle during the day of races. The president of the group has been in contact with Franz about being reimbursed for repairs.
Last Gasp December 24 – Nicole Andress reported that one hundred forty-one people pre-registered for the race, nine registered at the race. One hundred twenty-five people finished the race. The cold and windy weather as well as the race being held on Christmas Eve may have contributed to the low attendance.
Winter Beach Run January 21 – Doug Alred reported that 460 people are registered, which is normal for this point in time. A lot of people typically register the week before the race. Volunteers are in place.
Gate River Run March 4 – Doug Alred reported that all sponsors have returned and there are an additional one or two new sponsors. Everything is planned. There are 760 registrants to date.
Elite Field – Jim Van Cleave reported that fifty-three elite athletes have requested and been accepted for the race. That number is expected to increase.
Expo Booth Volunteers – Nicole Andress will soon be creating the sign-up for shifts at the JTC Running booth. She would like Board members to sign up for at least one shift.
Emerald Trail 5K/10K April 22 – Doug Alred said the course has not been set up yet.
Finance – Amiee Cords reported that she is working on the 1099’s.
Community and Public Relations – Christy Astorga said that it would be helpful to have additional volunteers.
GRR Hospitality Tent – Larry Sassa reported that everything is coming together and will be much the same as last year.
JTC video refresh – Larry Sassa is trying to reach Trish to discuss this topic.
Social Media, Facebook closed group – no report.
Social Media, Facebook public page, Instagram, et al – no report.
Runner of the Month – no report
Website – no report.
Newsletter – Marilyn Young mentioned articles that will be in the upcoming Newsletter and she said is always looking for ideas for newsletter articles.
Membership – Nicole Andress reported that membership is currently 988.
Classes, Clinics, Socials – Jane Alred announced that a clinic concerning pelvic floor issues will be held at the Baymeadows store in February.
Vision & Planning – No report
Next Meeting – The next board meeting will be Tuesday, February 7, 2023, via Zoom.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Jeff Palmer